Wednesday, September 17, 2014

INSTAGRAM : @godoybdane "Follow me guys!~" 😄 😃 😀 😊 ☺ 😉 😍 😘 😚

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Computer Software

_›Pertains to the non- physical components that make
    up a computer system.

›_The term  software generally refers to all programs, procedures, and routines concerning the data processing system that make the computer work.

System Software

-The user and the hardware communicate with each other through the system software.
-It’s a collection of programs or routines which direct the internal processing performed by the computer
-Generally supplied by computer manufactures to facilitate the efficient operation of the computer.

-this software is responsible for supervising the activities of the CPU.

Without OS a comp will not be able to perform any task as defined by any software.

DOS(Disk Operating System)
Windows System


Programming  Language System

a set of written symbols that instructs the computer hardware to perform the specified tasks.



Translators, Interpreters, Compilers
Software which translate software languages into a machine language or computer language

Low- level programming

use machine language, like assembly language.

High- level programming languages

are those whose instruction closely resemble Human language and mathematical notations.

Application Software

are programs written by the computer programmer to obtain solutions to a variety of problems. These programs are designed to satisfy a user’s specific needs.

2 Types of Application Software:
Customized software- created or developed according to specific requirements or specifications  of a user to solve a particular problem.

Include programs to monitor collection and generate      payroll, inventory, and general ledger systems; enrolment and organized grading sys and other programmable situations.

Packaged software- are “ready-made” or pre- written programs of  common applications that can be readily used with minimal modifications, if indeed.

   Word Processors(Wordstar, Word Perfect, MS Word for Windows)
  Spreadsheets(Lotus, Quattro, MS Excel)
  Graphics Presentation(Harvard Graphics, MS PowerPoint)
  Database Software(Dbase, FoxBase, FoxPro, FoxPlus)